Friday, September 2, 2011

Back to School Time, It Is

It is here and it came fast. For anyone attending University or College this semester, school starts in a week. One. Week.

Let's all take a minute to reflect. Inhale, exhale. Alright, now has anyone vomitted, lost consciousness or came down with a freakishly high fever? No? Great, we've survived.

And you'll survive your first weeks back, or if you're entering your first year, your very first week entering a University or College.

To all newcomers: this will be the time of your life. I say that in complete confidence. The only job you have to ensure this, is to lay back, smile, open that wonderful mouth of yours and talk. That's all there is to it. Talk to everyone, anyone. Say 'hi' to the passerby. The more you feel acquainted, the more comfortable you'll feel taking part in school events. Trust me.

To all been-there-done-thats': here we go again. Another year, another dollar. But come on, don't even try to tell me you're not jumping for joy inside (hey man, I am). Back to the daily grind. Back to routine. And I'm not being sarcastic! All summer you had the chance to choose what you'd like to do and now you HAVE things to do. Let's make some new friends this year. Let's participate in Tutorial. Let's walk to to that prof. and ask him the question that'd been bugging us all class. This is the year to make it happen.

Here's a list of ways to get involved (whether you've forgotten or aren't completely sure):

- Attend Frosh Week. Seriously. Or any orientation programs your school provides. This week is full of fun, laughter, screaming (happy screaming), and the possibility of making friend's you'll keep for a lifetime!

- Find the hang-out spots and spend time talking to people who hang out there. Don't be shy! Just get right up and sit with a group full of people with smiling faces. It may sound crazy, but trust me, get in there!

- Join a production! A musical! A dance group! Anything that will get those artistic juices flowing!

- Join a club! Join the Newspaper crew if you're an avid reader/writer. You'll meet awesome people who share your passion! How much better could it get?

Well, that's really it. Those are the bare necessities to make this year a memorable one. It starts with you. You'll get what you put into it, so really fill this year up!! Goodluck in your future endeavors!
