Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day, Folks

Happy Earth Day to all those who care...

We have dumped and excreted and demolished and industrialized and adapted and accomodated to a point now, where the damage done is far from irreversible.

Although this point has been reiterated a forgetful number of times in the last decade, there are still those who remain unaware of this fact:

The United States of America, the country second only to China in greatest carbon emitters, signed, but did not ratify the Kyoto Accord. 160 countries did. The USA, did not.


Canada places seventh on the list of countries with the largest carbon emissions.

Check out this website to update yourself with the latest and most current discoveries regarding our planet and the damage it undergoes tis very moment:

Daily Climate

Listen to David Suzuki speak about climate change...four years ago:

This is no joke, folks.

So you say, 'We get it. We get this is a global issue that needs to be fixed. Stop preaching and tell us how we can start to fix it.'

I say, start with the basics:

- turn your lights off as you exit rooms (at home, at the office, at school, etc.)

- close the tap once you've finished using water, as doing so saves energy

- recyle all the time, everydays

- install solar panels at home (not do they minimize your monthly electric bill, they increase home value...score!)

-find out what your carbon footprint is and what you can do to minimize it:

Find out your Carbon Footprint

- drive less--walk, take advantage of your transit system, ride a bike to work, etc.

- avoid purchasing packages with excessive and unnecessary packaging

- adjust your thermostat (if you're chilled, put on an extra sweater, don't turn the heat up--this will save you money and reduce your energy waste)

- stay informed

Also, check out this great website to find out how Canada is taking action, and how else you should help out in your community to help fixing our global problem one person at a time: Today is Earth Day

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