Monday, April 25, 2011

Check Check Check Ch-Check it out!

Take a look at these new artists' latest hits!

Everyone from Panda Bear to Radiohead to Toronto's new 'Rolling Stone' recommended, The Weeknd! Awesome stuff!

The Playlist


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Let me clear it up for you:

You know you've heard it before, but you just can't put your finger on it! You think of it every time you hear this song:

I will finally put your mind at ease. Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull's "On the Floor", uses the melody from Gregor Salto & Kaoma's "Lambada":

And there you have it. You cant go to sleep now.

Sittin' at home waitin' for somethin' to happen...

Exam time blows. End of story. It especially blows when all your friends are done with their last exams and you still have one to go...

...the day after the biggest 'end-of-the-year-party'.

Meaning: studying the night before is out of the question and a mind-numbing hangover is inevitable.


That's the pickle I find myself in. It's 20 degrees and it's Saturday night. And the Brazilians next door are having the time of their lives. I know becuase I can hear them.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Go get 'em!

Anti e-books

Happy Earth Day, Folks

Happy Earth Day to all those who care...

We have dumped and excreted and demolished and industrialized and adapted and accomodated to a point now, where the damage done is far from irreversible.

Although this point has been reiterated a forgetful number of times in the last decade, there are still those who remain unaware of this fact:

The United States of America, the country second only to China in greatest carbon emitters, signed, but did not ratify the Kyoto Accord. 160 countries did. The USA, did not.


Canada places seventh on the list of countries with the largest carbon emissions.

Check out this website to update yourself with the latest and most current discoveries regarding our planet and the damage it undergoes tis very moment:

Daily Climate

Listen to David Suzuki speak about climate change...four years ago:

This is no joke, folks.

So you say, 'We get it. We get this is a global issue that needs to be fixed. Stop preaching and tell us how we can start to fix it.'

I say, start with the basics:

- turn your lights off as you exit rooms (at home, at the office, at school, etc.)

- close the tap once you've finished using water, as doing so saves energy

- recyle all the time, everydays

- install solar panels at home (not do they minimize your monthly electric bill, they increase home value...score!)

-find out what your carbon footprint is and what you can do to minimize it:

Find out your Carbon Footprint

- drive less--walk, take advantage of your transit system, ride a bike to work, etc.

- avoid purchasing packages with excessive and unnecessary packaging

- adjust your thermostat (if you're chilled, put on an extra sweater, don't turn the heat up--this will save you money and reduce your energy waste)

- stay informed

Also, check out this great website to find out how Canada is taking action, and how else you should help out in your community to help fixing our global problem one person at a time: Today is Earth Day

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hot Docs Toronto, 2011

Everyone needs to check these out! Young movie-makers all over the world produce these raw and unscripted documentaries, and the contextual quality of each one I've ever seen is truly phenomenal!

If you live in Toronto, make sure you catch a few of theses flicks! Students watch free!

Spice Up Your Life

How often do you find yourself at home staring at a computer screen mindlessly clicking away and processing zero information? I'd like to hope not too often. However we all have those days. I've been sitting at home for most of this month studying, as I have an exam at school every week. I'd like to think myself lucky, as I get an entire week to study for each exam. However, a week at home, alone, reading hour after hour, slowly starts to eat at your persona.

In simple terms, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

This weather doesn't help at all either! Living in Toronto, Canadian weather is expected to be spontaneous and continuously out of whack. Lately it's been a huge mess. In between snow (yes, snow) and never-ending rain, it really brings your spirits down.

So this blog is my effort to spice up my life a little! I made a list of all the things I wish to accomplish or pursue this summer and automatically I felt happier, lighter!

I can't wait to get out there and feel the sun on my face. I can't wait to sit outside and draw, or find a great tree and read. I can't wait to grab a bunch of my friends go toss a frisbee around. But most of all, I can't wait for summer nights. Those nights where all the plans you had never come through, but you find yourself having an even better time doing the unexpected. Those nights. Those warm clear nights.

I can't wait!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Numbing Ourselves to Social Interaction"

Iphone4, Blackberry, Android Phones, MacAir, HP, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, BBM, LiveProfile, SMS Texting, Conference Calls.

The more intertwined society becomes with technological adavances the more anxious we become in our anticipation for the next big, new thing. The more we await a new form of technology to accesorize our rarely-satisfied selves, the more we completely disregard what we have in the present moment: ourselves and those around us.

As new forms of communication become the norm, we are simply blown away by their efficiency and performance. Like kids in candy stores, we cannot get enough. Once mommy allows us one we want another and another and another and another.

But what about in the meantime? What about that friend that you text on a day-to-day basis, when was the last time you went out for coffee? What about your colleague that works on the 14th floor that you'd like to get to know, when was the last time you talked face-to-face? And what about your old highschool friends--if it weren't for Facebook or Twitter, would you ever plan any lunch dates?

Most likely not.

And the strange thing is, these media forms aid in forming a sense of interconnectedness between people. If you have a medium with which you can keep tabs on, but not relationships with, those you know, why not? How great is it to be able message a cousin that lives overseas to congratulate them on their recent marriage engagement? How convenient is being able to Skype with your parents as you go to school aboad? But how long would these cyber relationships be able to keep one completely satisfied?

There is something about the authenticity of face-to-face interaction. Not only are you given the opportunity to listen to what one says, you are able to decipher for yourself every facial expression and body gesture. If you want to reach out and hug that person you can. If you feel the need to gently brush the hair out of their face you may do so.

It is the physicality of interaction that is lacking among those who become completely absorbred with technological communication and social networking. This is not to say that while in a conference call with your colleagues and boss you should really be thinking about ways to touch one another, I merely mean that there is so much more that goes on in a conversation held in person, than through a mechanical device.

We need to take it back to basics. That's how I feel. We need to be able to look one another in the eye and say exactly what we mean to say, instead of heading back to our desk to email each other about we wish we could've said in person. Enough of this "sexting" and "twirting". Let's get raw, let's get dirty, and let's have a bloody good conversation.

That is all.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Well, here I am once again. I find that when I end up blogging, it's usually when I have the least to say.
I do not want to read about Marshall McLuhan's "Laws of Media" any longer. I've suffered long enough. Not only am I totally missing the point as to what McLuhan's trying to explain, I'm not even understanding the numerous reviews written about his work. Reviews are supposed to clarify--not in this case.
It's 9:12 pm already. Where did today go? I woke up around 10am, talked on the phone with a very dear friend of mine for about an hour, walked downstairs to discover my uncle had come over to visit, walked back upstairs to organize my room, concluded that the weather was nice enough to spend a few hours outside, and then proceeded to take my dog for a long walk. After our three-hour "walk", it really was more of a crawl--my dog moves at turtle-pace, we arrive home to find out both my parents had left, and my sister was no longer at home, where she was supposed to be, might I add.
And I was without my key.
So I began to weigh my options: wait for parents? continue ridiculously long walk? contemplate eating dog? eat dog then use fur as coat for warmth? It was cold now, very cold.
Neither of these options appealed to me, really. So I took a look at my phone and remembered about an old friend that lives near by. Ring, ringgg!
"I'm locked out with Bella..."
"No problem! Come on over and bring Bella with you!"


So I made my way over to her house and gossiped there until I got the call. THE CALL.
"There's a spare key under the kauerugblawoeiowfrjvjanortr"
"Sure Dad, I know exactly where that is."


I thanked my friend for her lovely hospitality and continued on my way with my trusty canine companion.
Mom just notified my about some spaghetti that's waiting for me downstairs!
Long story short, well, shortened: we made it home, after a few torturous minutes found the spare key, and entered my warm comfortable domain.
So long for now!
