Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Isn't it strange that when you know you have tons to do, your mind wanders and chooses to think about anything and everything except what it is you have to do? Being a first year university student isn't exactly easy. The transition from high school to uni is a terrifying thing--but probably the most exciting transition that's ever happened to me. The whole experience is a juggling act.
Prepare to be amazed!
Haha, as if.
On one hand we juggle our social life, on the other our academic career. On our left foot we juggle our part time jobs and on our right our family. Bouncing back and forth is exhausting, and as we find ourselves leaning towards the left or right we end up here, on, venting about all the things we should be doing, but choose not to.
Right now I should be reading about Mussolini and his italian fascist party--digging through my books trying to find out exactly what it is he did that made his fascist party so successful.
I should also be reading books about Iraq to prove that the protoliterate period (jemdet-nasr) was the first true civilization.

Oh the places my mind goes...

This is a lame first post, I know. But Mussolini is now on his knees begging me to read about his tactics and "fame". Yeah, yeah Mussolini I hear you; I'm coming. No need to yell.

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